March 19 is the day of Saint Joseph, in honor of him it is customary to perform a prayer every 19 of each month remembering the privileges and honors that he achieved.
Start with the sign of the cross and the act of contrition.
Prayer to Holy Mary
Most gracious Mother of mine; well, you like so much that we venerate your beloved husband Saint Joseph, inflamed more in my heart the flame of devotion to such a great saint, and for the reverence and love that you have for him, I beg you to reach me from your divine Son for forgiveness of my sins and the grace I need for my salvation; Please, I hope you will not deny me by putting to my employer and lawyer Saint Joseph. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, Most Worthy husband of the Mother of God, adoptive father of our adorable Redeemer and most powerful lawyer of ours in all tribulations, in every need and in every danger: I choose you for my boss and lawyer for all my life and for my death. I ask you humble and with all my soul that you receive me, my saint, for your perpetual servant and slave, and that with your mighty valimiento reach me the continuous protection of your Wife, the Immaculate Virgin Mary and the mercies from my loving Jesus. Assist me always and bless my words, deeds, actions, thoughts and desires so that in everything I conform to the divine will, and so, serving you constantly, achieve with your patronage a happy death. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Congratulations to Saint Joseph for its seven main privileges and Congratulations dispensed by the Lord:
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God for have chosen you for the adoptive father of his only begotten Son and for the guidance of Jesus himself and his Most Holy Mother in her painful journeys during her mortal life: for this your happiness, I beg you to guide me on my journey from this life to the eternal, attaining the grace to purify me often my soul in the holy Sacrament of Penance. A) Yes Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God because I gave you the favor of keeping from the persecution of Herod, for the benefit of the world, to Jesus Christ, true Bread of life: for this your happiness I beg of you, that you fertilize me the one to receive him with dignity frequently, and particularly, before dying, for viaticum and pledge of eternal life. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God, because He granted you the joy of strengthening and sanctifying you with the frequent contact and intimate treatment of our adorable Redeemer: for this your happiness I beg you to reach me that of not dying without the spiritual help of the Sacrament of Extreme unction that relieves bodily disease, if appropriate, and heals the soul of the relics of sins. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God because gave you a very strong and constant faith with the that you believed was the work of the Holy Spirit fruit of your most pure Spouse: for this your happiness, I beg you to give me the incomparable to live and to die with the greatest firmness in the holy Catholic faith. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God for salaries chosen for faithful minister of Jesus and Mary on earth: for this your great happiness, I beg you You reach me the ability to imitate you, serving faithfully and constantly to God and to his divine Mother. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God because He granted you the grace to die assisted with the greatest affection for Jesus and Mary: for this your ineffable happiness, I beg you to reach for me to die burnt in love of God and assisted by your immaculate Spouse and by yourself. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.
I congratulate you, glorious Saint Joseph, and I give infinite thanks to God for the privilege that you had to resurrect with Jesus Christ and raise to eternal glory: for this your happiness, I beg you reach the one of finding me in the hour of my death, willing to deserve, from that moment, the eternal rest of the Saints. So be it, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory
Jesus and Mary, Joseph, Joaquin and Ana, in life and in death, protect my soul.