This novena in honor of the Patriarch Saint Joseph is performed between March 10 and 18 in preparation for the Saint’s Day which is March 19. However, you can pray at any time of the year especially for any need we have.
The way to pray it is by doing the preparatory prayer every day that is the same for every day, then the prayer corresponding to the day and finally the final prayer that is also the same for every day.
For the sign, etc.
My Lord Jesus Christ, etc.
Oh glorious Father of Jesus, Spouse of Mary. Patriarch and Protector of the Holy Church, to whom the Eternal Father entrusted the care of governing, governing and defending the Holy Family on earth; protect us too, we belong, as faithful Catholics. to the holy family of your Son who is the Church, and obtain for us the necessary goods of this life, and especially the spiritual help for eternal life. Achieve especially these three graces, that of never committing any mortal sin, mainly against chastity; that of a sincere love and devotion to Jesus and Mary, and that of a good death, receiving well the last Sacraments. Grant us also the special grace that we each ask in this novena.
Ask with fervor and confidence for the grace you want to obtain.
Then say the prayer of the day that corresponds:
DAY 1º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus as well as consoled your beloved father in the perplexities and uncertainties he had, doubting whether to abandon your Blessed Mother his wife , so we humbly pray to you through the intercession of Saint Joseph, grant us much prudence and success in all the doubtful and anguished cases of our lives, so that we always succeed with your most holy will.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 2º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, as well as consoled your beloved father in the poverty and helplessness of Bethlehem, with your birth, and with the songs of the Angels and visits of the shepherds, so we also humbly pray for you through the intercession of Saint Joseph, that you grant us to patiently carry our poverty and helplessness in this life, and that we may cheer our spirit with your presence and your grace, and the hope of the glory.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 3º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, as you consoled your beloved father in the painful mystery of Circumcision, receiving from him the sweet name of Jesus , so we humbly beg you, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, grant us to always pronounce with love and respect your most holy name, carry it in your heart, honor it in life, and profess with deeds and words that you were our Savior and Jesus.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 4º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, just as you comforted your beloved father with the grief caused by Simeon’s prophecy, showing him the innumerable chorus of the Saints, so we humbly beg you, through the intercession of Saint Joseph that you grant us the grace to be of those for whom you serve, not of ruin, but of resurrection, and that we faithfully correspond to your grace so that we may go to your glory.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 5º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, just as your beloved father led you from Bethlehem to Egypt to free you from the tyrant Herod, so we humbly beg you, for intercession of St. Joseph, that will free us from those who want to harm our souls or our bodies, give us strength and salvation in our persecutions, and in the midst of the exile of this life protect us until we fly to the heavenly homeland.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 6º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
Oh benign Jesus as your beloved father supported you in Nazareth, and instead you rewarded him in your most holy company for so many years, with your doctrine and your sweet conversation, so we humbly pray to you, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, to grant us the spiritual sustenance of your grace, and of your holy communion, and to live holy and modestly, like you in Nazareth.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 7º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, as well as by following the will of your heavenly father, you allowed your beloved father on earth to suffer the vehement pain of to lose you for three days, so we humbly beg you, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, that before we want to lose all things and upset any friend, we will stop doing your will; that we will never lose you to mortal sin, or that if we unfortunately lost you we will find you through a good confession.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 8º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, who in the hour of your death comforted your glorious father, assisting together with your Mother his wife at his last agony, we humbly beg you, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, to grant us a death similar to yours assisted by your kindness, your Blessed Mother and the same glorious patriarch protector of the dying, pronouncing your most holy names, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
End with the final prayer for every day.
DAY 9º
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
O most benign Jesus, just as you have chosen through your Vicar on earth your beloved father to protect your Holy Catholic Church , so we humbly pray for you through the intercession of Saint Joseph, grant us that we may be true and sincere Catholics, that we profess without error the Catholic faith, that we live without fear a life worthy of the faith we profess, and that the enemies can never terrify us with persecutions, or with deceptions to seduce us and away from the only true religion that is Catholic.
End with the final prayer for every day.
Oh custodian and father of Virgins Saint Joseph to whose faithful custody were entrusted the same innocence of Jesus Christ and the Virgin of the Virgin Mary ; for these two very dear pledges Jesus and Mary, I beg and beg you to reach me, that I, preserved from all impurity, always serve most chastely with a clean soul, pure heart and chaste body to Jesus and Mary. Amen.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul
Jesus, Joseph and Mary, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary, with you rest my soul in peace.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.
Antiphon. He had the same Jesus, when he began his public life, about thirty years old, son, as was thought of Joseph.
V . Saint Joseph, pray for us.
R . That we may be worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Prayer. O God, with ineffable providence you deigned to choose the blessed Joseph as the Spouse of your Most Holy Mother; grant us that, since we venerate him as protector on earth, we deserve to have him as protector in the heavens. Oh God that you live and reign in the centuries of the centuries. Amen.