Here we present 4 different Rosaries to San José. They vary in how they are prayed, from more mysteries to a number of different accounts. Some are more similar to the traditional rosary that is prayed to the Virgin Mary and others are not.
In each one begins with the usual Christian form:
By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First rosary to Saint Joseph
This first rosary is in the manner of the traditional rosary with 5 mysteries that contemplate aspects of the life of Saint Joseph beginning with the Lord’s Prayer 10 Hail Marys and glory.
First mystery: We contemplate Saint Joseph, THE FAITHFUL MAN in God’s eyes.- (Mt 1,18-21.24).
The birth of Jesus Christ was like this: Mary, his mother, was engaged to Joseph and when they had not yet lived together, he conceived a child by the work of the Holy Spirit. José, her husband, who was a just man and did not want to denounce her publicly, decided to leave her in secret.
While thinking about this, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in his dreams and said: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to receive Mary, your wife, because what has been begotten in HER comes from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son whom you will name Jesus, because HE will save his people from all their sins. “
All this happened to fulfill what the Lord had announced by the Prophet: “The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son who will be named Emmanuel, which means: -God with us-“.
On awakening, Joseph did what the Angel of the Lord had commanded and received his wife in his house. And without having sex she gave birth to a son whom Joseph named JESUS.
Reflection: Saint Joseph adhered, with total confidence, to God’s plan for him. And do we allow ourselves to be guided in our choices by the Word of God and by the Word of the Church? .-
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory …)
Second mystery: we contemplate Saint Joseph, THE VIRGINAL SPOUSE, of Mary Most Holy. (Lk 1,34-38).
Maria then said to the Angel: “How can I be a mother, if I do not live with any man?” “The Holy Spirit will descend upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. That is why the Child will be Holy and he will be called Son of God. Also your relative Isabel conceived a child despite her old age, and what was considered sterile is already in her sixth month of pregnancy, because there is nothing impossible for God. “
Mary then said: “I am the servant of the Lord; that what you have said may be fulfilled in me. ” And the Angel walked away.
Reflection: Marriage, among the baptized, is a sacrament, a sign of love between Christ and the Church. It is a path to Christian holiness. Marriage is lived Christianly when dialogue, mutual love, procreation and education of children fully correspond to the project of God expressed in the revealed Word and in the teaching of the Church. The Holy Family of Nazareth is for all families model of union, domestic virtues and holiness.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory …)
Third mystery: we contemplate Saint Joseph, THE EMIGRANT FILLED WITH CONFIDENCE, in the flight to Egypt. (Mt. 2, 13-15).
After the departure of the Magi the Angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said: “Get up, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt and stay there until I warn you, because Herod is going to look for the child to kill him. ” Joseph got up at night, took the boy and his mother, and went to Egypt.
There he remained until the death of Herod, so that what the Lord had announced through the Prophet would be fulfilled: “From Egypt I called my son”.
Reflection: Christian parents have to take the utmost care to defend their own children in physical, moral and spiritual life. There are many “Herods” in the world today, which cause immense danger especially for the little ones.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory …)
Fourth mystery: we contemplate Saint Joseph, THE WISE CHIEF of the Holy Family. (Lc.2,51-52; Mt.13,54-55a).
And Jesus returned with his parents to Nazareth and lived subject to them. His mother carefully kept all these things in her heart. Jesus was growing in wisdom, in stature and in grace before God and men. Jesus, returning to his homeland, taught in the synagogue, in such a way that they said in wonder: “Is not this the carpenter’s son?”
Reflection: A family is also governed by the wise, attentive and caring presence of the father. The dialogue between parents and children and common prayer will help the family to discover and realize God’s plan.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory …)
Fifth mystery: we contemplate Saint Joseph, THE FAITHFUL OBSERVER of religious festivals. (Luke 2, 41-43).
“Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Passover feast. When the boy turned twelve, they went up as usual and the party ended, Mary and Joseph returned, but Jesus remained in Jerusalem without their noticing. ”
Reflection: Religion must also be lived “together” as a family. Parents should not say to their children: “Go to mass … go to church … go to confession … pray the prayers!” Parents should say instead: “Let’s go to mass, confess, etc …”! Family life is a life of communion, it must be felt and lived communally, with great force.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory …)
Second rosary to Saint Joseph
This second rosary is in the manner of the traditional rosary with 5 mysteries that contemplate those actions in the life of Saint Joseph that contributed to the economy of salvation beginning with the Lord’s Prayer but only 5 Hail Marys, glory and jaculatoria: Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
Prayer: Oh Saint Joseph, that with love you worked the wood for in this life, passing life, to your family the bread of every day to provide; Oh Saint Joseph, now in heaven with Christ, who stretched out on the tree in which eternal life gave to man, teach us to recognize in the task of each day the way to God.
1-For the time that you waited for Mary, give us the virtue to silently wait patiently, this is give us peace.
Our Father, five Hail Marys, a Glory and the jaculatoria:
Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
2-By accepting in chastity for Mary to marry, give us the virtue to live in purity and chastity.
Our Father, five Hail Marys, a Glory and the jaculatoria:
Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
3-By accepting the fatherhood of Jesus, give us the virtue to only do the will of God.
Our Father, five Hail Marys, a Glory and the jaculatoria:
Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
4-By the day you left everything for your Son to save, give us the virtue to fulfill what God asks and live, like You, in holy obedience.
Our Father, five Hail Marys, a Glory and the jaculatoria:
Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
5-For the day that your Son found speaking with wisdom and kept quiet, give us the virtue of silence and learn to listen to the one who speaks in God’s name.
Our Father, five Hail Marys, a Glory and the jaculatoria:
Beloved Saint Joseph, grow in me the faith that I will seek in it, hope and charity.
Prayer: You, Saint Joseph, patron of families, protector of the Church, defender of childhood and faithful guardian of mothers, help us to receive grace and thus reach the glorious virtues of your heart in chastity, in prudence, in justice and in humility. Amen.
To conclude: Prayer for the Holy Father to lead us to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Our Father, three Hail Marys and Glory.
Third rosary to Saint Joseph
It consists of nine mysteries, divided into three parts. Each of these parts is made up of a decade of accounts, making a total of 30 accounts in honor of the 30 years that Saint Joseph spent in the company of Jesus and Mary. In each of the accounts a Hail Mary is prayed and each decade ends with a Glory to the Father.
The Mysteries are the following:
Mysteries of the First Decade:
1. The Incarnation
2. The perplexity of Saint Joseph (before the Blessed Virgin’s pregnancy)
3. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.
Mysteries of the Second Decade:
1. The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple.
2. The Flight into Egypt.
3. The child Jesus found in the temple.
Mysteries of the Third Decade:
1. The hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth.
2. The death of Saint Joseph.
3. The coronation of Saint Joseph in heaven.
At the conclusion of the Rosary of prayers, three acts of contrition are prayed and Saint Joseph is asked to obtain forgiveness and mercy.
Fourth rosary to Saint Joseph
This Rosary of Saint Joseph is similar to that of the Virgin Mary in that it has joyful, painful and glorious mysteries, but it differs in that in the dozens instead of the Hail Mary, the Glory is prayed and instead of the Glory a jaculatoria.
O patron saint of the dying, I humbly offer you this pious exercise of meditation and prayers, for those who are in agony today and for me, when my last hour arrives.
Joyful mysteries (Monday and Thursday)
First mystery: We contemplate the joy of Saint Joseph when the angel announced to him that Mary, his virgin wife, carried in his womb the Son of God.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Second mystery: We contemplate the joy of St. Joseph when he learns that St. Elizabeth had greeted Mary with the name of Mother of God and the prodigy of Zachariah’s predictions.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Third mystery: We contemplate the joy of Saint Joseph when, at the birth of the Divine Redeemer, he saw that the angels came down from Heaven and the shepherds ran to adore him and recognized him by the sighing Messiah.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph ,. Adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Fourth mystery: We contemplate the joy of Saint Joseph when, at the presentation in the temple, he feels that Simeon prophesies the salvation brought to the world by the newborn Savior
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Fifth mystery: We contemplate the joy of Saint Joseph when after three days of searching, his Son Jesus is found in the temple.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Sorrowful mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)
First mystery: We contemplate the pain of Saint Joseph when Jesus is born in a stable of so much poverty.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Second mystery: We contemplate the pain of Saint Joseph before the circumcision of Jesus, who had to endure the newborn Savior because of keeping the laws.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Third mystery: We contemplate the pain of St. Joseph endured by having to flee to Egypt to drive Jesus away from the fury of Herod.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Fourth mystery: We contemplate the pain of St. Joseph endured when for three days, together with Mary, he mourned the loss of his beloved Son Jesus.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Fifth mystery: We contemplate the pain of Saint Joseph endured in his agony when separated from Jesus and Mary.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Glorious Mysteries (Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays)
First mystery: We contemplate the glory of St. Joseph by being chosen husband of Mary, adoptive father of Jesus and head of the Holy Family.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh St. Joseph, Adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of Virgin Mary,
pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Second mystery: We contemplate the glory of St. Joseph to see the doctors of the law listen to the words of Jesus of twelve years astonished and linger with his Son.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Third mystery: We contemplate the glory of St. Joseph to see that for thirty years he was obeyed, given and served by the Son of God.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
Fourth mystery: We contemplate the glory of St. Joseph after having died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. He was received, then, by the patron saints of Limbo and for them he greeted as first of the patriarchs and lucky advertiser.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day .
Fifth mystery: We contemplate the glory of St. Joseph when he saw himself in Heaven, given by the Angels and saints, invoked on earth as the first and principal Patron of the Catholic Church.
Pray Our Father, 10 Glory and Prayer:
Oh Saint Joseph, adoptive Father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the dying on this day.
3 Ave Marías are added to the Virgin in commemoration of her participation in the sorrows, joys and glory of Saint Joseph.
I am really blessed to know all about my patron saint JOSEPH