Tridus are prayed for three days, usually beginning with a common opening prayer every day, then a special prayer of the day comes and finally closes with the final prayer also common every day.
Preparatory prayer for every day
By the sign of the holy cross, of our enemies, liberate us Lord our God
My Lord, Jesus Christ, God and true Man, Creator, Father and Redeemer of mine, because you are who you are and because I love you above all things, it is with all my heart that I have offended you; I firmly propose never to sin again, to turn away from all occasions of offenses, to confess myself and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.
I offer, Lord, my life, works, in satisfaction of all my sins, and, as I beg, I trust in your infinite kindness and mercy, that you will forgive them, for the merits of your precious blood, passion and death, and you will give me grace to amend me, and to persevere in your holy love and service, until the end of my life.
V . Blessed and praised be the sweetest names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
R . Amen.
We turn to you, kind Patriarch, and with all the fervor of our afflicted heart we ask you, from the throne of glory in which they placed your virtues and merits, listen to our prayers and have mercy on us.
We humbly confess that our tribulations are sorrow of our sins; therefore with heartfelt pain, we ask God for forgiveness of all of them. Reach us, loving Saint Joseph, and for the love you professed to your Jesus and Mary and for the authority that you exercised over them here on earth, intercede now for us in heaven listening to our petitions and presenting them yourself to your immaculate Bride and your Divine Son so that they may be favorably dispatched, for the greater glory of God and sanctification of our souls. Amen.
Remember, oh chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary and kind protector of my Saint Joseph, that has never been heard that any invoked your protection and implored your help without having been consoled. Full, then, of confidence in your power, since you exercised with Jesus the office of Father, I come to your presence and I commend myself to you with all fervor. Do not dismiss my supplications, rather, welcome them and deserve to access them piously. Amen.
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
Here you have us in your glorious presence, sweet protector of our Saint Joseph, imploring your effective patronage. Direct, oh great Saint, a loving look upon us, miserable children of Eve, and reach us with the grace that we have asked of you and the Virtues of humility, purity and obedience, the joy of dying assisted by Jesus, your Wife and You, to bless and praise in heaven eternally. Amen.
Ask for the grace you want. Pray seven Our Fathers and Hail Marys in memory of the seven sorrows and joys of St. Joseph. Finish with the final prayer for every day.
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
At your feet we prostrate ourselves with the humblest affection, oh incomparable protector of our Saint Joseph, trusting in your effective patronage. Direct, oh great Saint, a loving gaze upon us, miserable sinful children of Eve, and grant us the grace that we have asked of you together with the three virtues of tender piety, gratitude to the divine benefits and firm trust in God, that both and with so much fruit you practiced yourself, so that enriched with them, we can expire sweetly in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and praise them later in your company in heaven, for all eternity. Amen.
Ask for the grace you want. Pray seven Our Fathers and Hail Marys in memory of the seven sorrows and joys of St. Joseph. Finish with the final prayer for every day.
Begin with the preparatory prayer for every day.
Prostrate before You, our Saint Joseph’s outstanding protector, we also come today in demand of your effective patronage. Direct, O great Saint, a loving look upon us, miserable children of Eve, and present our supplications to the Eternal Father, whose times you did on earth protecting your Divine Son; offer them also to the Holy Spirit, of whom you were representative as Spouse of Mary; present them, in short, to the Son so that they may be kindly looked after by the Most Holy Trinity, the object of all our love, now and forever, for all ages. Amen.
Ask for the grace you want. Pray seven Our Fathers and Hail Marys in memory of the seven sorrows and joys of St. Joseph. Finish with the final prayer for every day.
Most Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, most chaste Spouse of the Mother of God; At your shelter we go, do not ignore our pleas and free us from all dangers.
V . Blessed Patriarch Saint Joseph, pray for us.
R . That we may be worthy of the grace we implore.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, join your prayers to those of your most chaste Spouse and to the maternal care you have given to the Child Jesus, intercede and pray for us so that we may be worthy of the grace we have asked for.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, hear the pleas of Mary, full of grace, and of Joseph, a just man, so that for his intercession we achieve the requested favor, if it is to be to greater honor and glory yours and good of our souls. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.