This devotion is prayed for 30 days in a row in honor of Saint Joseph for the 30 years of his life at Jesus’ side, appealing to all his virtues and merits so that he may obtain from our adoptive son the graces and consolations that we need.
Prayer for the 30 days
Oh dearest Patriarch, Lord Saint Joseph! From the abyss of my littleness, pain and anxiety, I contemplate you with emotion and joy of my soul in your soul of heaven, as glory and joy of the Blessed, but also as father of the orphans on earth, comforter of the sad, protector of the helpless, joy and love of your devotees before the throne of God, of your Jesus and of your holy Wife.
That is why I, poor, helpless, sad and needy, I address to you today and always my tears and sorrows, my prayers and cries of the soul, my regrets and my hopes; and today especially I bring before your altar and your image a sorrow that you console, an evil that you remedy, a misfortune that you prevent, a need that you succor, a grace that you obtain for me and for my loved ones.
And to move and compel you to hear me and get it, I will ask for it and I will demand thirty days in a row in reverence for the thirty years that you lived on earth with Jesus and Mary, and I will ask you, urgently and confidently, invoking all the titles you have to pity me and all the reasons I have for hoping that you will not delay listening to my request and remedying my need; being so true my faith in your goodness and power, that by feeling it you will also feel obligated to obtain and give me even more than I ask, and I wish.
1.- I ask you for the divine goodness that forced the Eternal Word to incarnate and be born in the poor human nature, as God of God, God Man, God of Man, God with Man.
2.- I beg of you for your anxiety to feel obligated to abandon your holy Wife, leaving her alone, and going alone without her. < /p>
3.- I beg you for your most painful resignation to look for a stable and a manger for the palace and cradle of. God, born among men, who force him to be born among animals.
4.- I implore you for the most painful and humiliating circumcision of your Jesus, and for the holy and sweet name that you imposed on him by order of the Eternal for consolation, our love and hope.
5.- I demand it for your shock on hearing from the Angel the death decreed against your Son, God, for your most obedient flight to Egypt, for the penalties and dangers of the road, for the poverty of exile, and for your anxieties on returning from Egypt to Nazareth.
6.- I ask you for your painful affliction of three days when losing your Son, and for your most gentle consolation when you meet him in the temple; for your ineffable happiness of the thirty years that you lived in Nazareth with Jesus and Mary subject to your authority and providence.
7 .- I beg you and I wait for the heroic sacrifice, with which you offered the victim of your Jesus to the Eternal God for the cross and for the death for our sins and our redemption.
8.- I demand it from you because of the painful foresight, which made you contemplate those childhood hands, pierced one day on the Cross by sharp nails; that head that reclined sweetly on your chest, crowned with thorns; that divine body that you were clasping against your heart, bloodied and spread over the arms of the Cross; that last moment when you saw him expire and die for me, for my soul, for my sins.
9.- I ask you for your sweet transition of this life in the arms of Jesus and Mary. and your entrance into the Limbo of the Righteous in heaven, where you have your throne of power.
10.- I beg of you for your joy and your glory, when you contemplated the Resurrection of your Jesus, his rise and entry into heaven and his throne of King immortal of the centuries.
11.- I ask you for your ineffable joy when you saw your most holy Spouse come out of the tomb, be resurrected, and be raised to. the heavens by angels, and crowned by the Eternal, and enthroned in a throne next to yours as Mother, Lady and Queen of angels and men.
12.- I ask you and I pray and I trustfully wait for your works, hardships and sacrifices on earth, and for your triumphs and happy glory bliss in Heaven with your Son Jesus and your wife, Saint Mary.
Oh my good Saint Joseph! I, inspired by the teachings of the Holy Church and its Doctors and Theologians and in the universal sense of the Christian people, feel in me a mysterious force, which encourages me and forces me to ask and beg you and wait for me to obtain, from God the great and extraordinary grace that I am going to put before this your altar and image and before your throne of goodness and power in Heaven: I await you, Holy Patriarch.
(Here, when the heart is raised on high, the Holy One will be asked lovingly for the grace that is desired.)
This devotion is taken from a booklet printed in Buenos Aires under the signature of the Jesuit priest J. Santillana. In it you can read the following about it: “It is enough reading this prayer to have it as very Christian and theological and as highly recommended and effective to move that power and goodness of the Holy Patriarch and to reach through it the most difficult and extraordinary.
The reasons for this statement are the following:
a) The doctrinal material of that Prayer is the most theological and complete.
b) The general purpose of her, the most devout and pleasing to the Saint: to honor the memory of the thirty years she lived with Jesus and Mary on earth.
c) The titles that are invoked, very powerful to move the heart of the Saint.
d) The fervent way in which it is written is of very lively faith, of tender tenderness, and of an urgent and irresistible instance … It is the soul that in all its phrases it asks and begs, it moans and it cries, it moves and it triumphs of the resistances of the same God.
e) And if to all the insistence and perseverance is added for thirty days in such a long and vehement prayer of the soul, it will not be foolhardy to affirm according to the Catholic dogma that It is a theological and Christian prayer, effective and irresistible.
f) There is no superstition or revelation or infallibility or anything impossible or improper. On the contrary, what is asked and entrusted to be obtained is simply something very convenient and necessary; although difficult and extraordinary; but nothing of infallible miracles and fixed deadlines and superstitious ways and practices. Everything is founded on the Catholic dogma of the prayer and intercession of the Saints, and on the belief and trust of the Christian people in the power and goodness of the Holy Patriarch.
In Buenos Aires it is spreading prodigiously and obtaining extraordinary graces.
The practice of this devotion must be very simple. The prayer is repeated thirty consecutive days, and it will be more effective to pray it before the image or altar of the Saint; but when that is not possible, it can be prayed in the private house. Communion is highly recommended, at least on Wednesdays of those thirty days. Finally, please be aware of the graces obtained “