Although many people think that miracles are rare and very rare things in our times and rather they are things from the early days of the church there with the first apostles, in truth they are something very frequent, and in the case of the Eucharist of da on the contrary, being scarce in the early days and quite frequent in the latter, as if the love of God hastened us to convince ourselves that it is real and of the magnitude of his love. The first Eucharistic miracle of which there is a record is that of Lanciano in the 8th century, the following that of Bolsena in the 13th century, that is, around 500 years passed, from here the years will be reduced, becoming more frequent, until we reach our time where, for example, in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires there were three in a period of less than 10 years in the 1990s, and they are repeated almost as frequently in different parts of the world. It seems that God wants to say something to us and since we don’t listen to Him, He speaks to us more often.
I am going to show you only three, the first two and the one in Buenos Aires in which our Pope Francisco intervened when he was Cardinal in it.
The miracle of Lanciano

In the 8th century, a monk from the Order of Saint Basil. In Lanciano, Italy, he was experiencing doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. In the middle of a Mass, while saying the words of consecration, he saw how the bread was transformed into human flesh and the blood coagulated into five clots. You can visit the miraculous meat and blood in the Church of San Francisco de Lanciano, Italy.
He was submitted to the scientific analysis of Dr. Odoardo Linoli, head of service of the Reunited Hospitals of Arezzo and professor of anatomy and pathological history and of chemistry and clinical microscopy; and Dr. Ruggero Bertelli, professor emeritus of human anatomy at the University of Siena.
The results of his report, dated March 4, 1971 are as follows:
- Meat is true meat.
- Blood is true blood.
- The meat belongs to the muscular tissue of the heart (myocardium, endocardium and vagus nerve).
- Meat and blood are of the same type AB and belong to the human species. It is the same type of blood found in the Shroud of Turin.
- This is the flesh and blood of a living person, since the blood is the same that could have been taken that day from a living being.
- In the blood, in addition to normal proteins, the following minerals were found: chlorates, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
- The preservation of meat and blood, left in the natural state for 12 centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon.
Scientists told monks: “It is the Word made Flesh.”
The miracle of Bolsena

Jesus had asked Blessed Juliana de Cornillon (1258) to introduce the feast of “Corpus Christi” into the Church’s liturgical calendar. The priest Pedro de Praga, from Boemia, celebrated a Mass in the crypt of Santa Cristina, in Bolsena, and then, the miracle happened: drops of blood fell on the body from the consecrated host … Pope Urban IV (1262-1264) , resided in Orvieto and ordered Bishop Santiago to bring the relics of Bolsena to Orvieto. The Pope issued the Bull Transiturus of the world on August 11, 1264, where he prescribed that on the Thursday after the eighth of Pentecost, the feast be celebrated in honor of the Body of the Lord. Saint Thomas Aquinas was commissioned by the pope to compose the Office of the celebration. In 1290 the Cathedral of Orvieto, called “lily of the cathedrals” was built.
Currently, this body is kept on display in the Cathedral of Orvieto.
The Eucharistic miracle that Pope Francis witnessed

One of the most recent Eucharistic miracles features the Pope. In 1996, Pope Francisco, then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was a direct witness to the Eucharistic miracle that occurred in a Church in the Buenos Aires capital. Someone had abandoned a consecrated Host, leaving it in a chandelier.
The priest, instead of consuming it, decided to place it in a container with water in the tabernacle of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, waiting for it to dissolve.
But a few days later, the Host had turned into a bloody substance.
For this reason, Cardinal Bergoglio commissioned a scientific analysis from Dr. Ricardo Castañon Gómez, who consulted several international experts in forensic medicine specialists in the fields of blood and tissue.
Scientifically examined, it turned out to be a sample of a living human heart, subjected to severe stress (traumatized or beaten), which was scientifically impossible to have kept in water keeping its cells alive. The lab further reported that the tissue sample appeared to be still alive as the cells moved or throbbed as they would in a living human heart.
The forensic cardiologist who analyzed her said:
“The analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle that is located in the wall of the left ventricle, near the valves. This muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. Keep in mind that the left heart ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body. The heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. This indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken.
My argument is that the heart was alive, since white blood cells die outside a living organism. He requires a living organism to maintain it. Therefore, its presence indicates that the heart was alive when the sample was taken. What’s more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tissue. Which further indicates that the heart had been under severe stress, as if the owner had been severely beaten in the chest.
Scientists who did the study didn’t know it was a Host
They were told after the tests and were amazed. They showed that the Host had become a part of the left ventricle of the heart muscle, of a person of approximately 30 years, whose blood was from group AB and who had suffered a lot when dying, surely mistreated and beaten.
They concluded that the characteristics of the blood of the miracle of Buenos Aires were coincident with those of the blood of the Shroud of Turin, of the Holy Shroud of Oviedo, and of the bleeding Host of the miracle of Lanciano (Italy). Furthermore, they agree in stating that:
- the samples correspond to the same person,
- who was born and lived in the Middle East,
- that meat is currently a tissue that is alive despite the years.
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