V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Lord, have mercy on us.
V. Christ, have mercy on us.
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Lord, have mercy on us.
V. Jesus, hear us.
R. Jesus, graciously hear us.
V. God, the Father of Heaven
R. Have mercy on us.
V. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world
R. Have mercy on us.
V. God, the Holy Spirit
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Holy Trinity, One God
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Holy Mary,
R. Pray for us.
V. Saint Joseph
R. Pray for us.
V. Renowned offspring of David
R. Pray for us.
V. Light of the Patriarchs
R. Pray for us.
V. Spouse of the Mother of God
R. Pray for us.
V. Guardian of the Redeemer
R. Pray for us.
V. Chaste guardian of the Virgin,
R. Pray for us.
V. Foster father of the Son of God
R. Pray for us.
V. Diligent protector of Christ
R. Pray for us.
V. Servant of Christ
R. Pray for us.
V. Minister of Salvation
R. Pray for us.
V. Head of the Holy Family
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most just
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most Chaste
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most prudent
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most strong
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most obedient
R. Pray for us.
V. Joseph most faithful
R. Pray for us.
V. Mirror of patience
R. Pray for us.
V. Lover of poverty
R. Pray for us.
V. Model of artisans
R. Pray for us.
V. Glory of home life
R. Pray for us.
V. Guardian of Virgins
R. Pray for us.
V. Pillar of families
R. Pray for us.
V. Support in Difficulties
R. Pray for us.
V. Solace of the wretched
R. Pray for us.
V. Hope for the sick
R. Pray for us.
V. Patron of Refugees
R. Pray for us.
V. Patron of the Afflicted
R. Pray for us.
V. Patron of the Poor
R. Pray for us.
V. Patron of the dying
R. Pray for us.
V. Horror of the demons
R. Pray for us.
V. Protector of the holy Church
R. Pray for us.
V. Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world
R. spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world
R. graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world
R. Have mercy on us.
V. He made him the lord of his household.
R. And prince over all his possessions.
O God, in your ineffable providence you were pleased to choose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother; grant, we beg you, that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our Protector: You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Why is Saint Joseph the terror of demons?
The litany to Saint Joseph was approved by Pope Pius X in 1909
Most of the invocations are easy to understand: light of the patriarchs, husband of the Mother of God, mirror of patience.
But there is one of them that surprises many: terror of demons.
Why is Saint Joseph the terror of demons?
Seen from our point of view, it is for its effectiveness in nullifying the effect of demons in our lives, if we seek refuge in Him.
Those who turn to Saint Joseph for his intercession keep satan at bay. That is the experience of the church.
When the devotees of Saint Joseph appeal to him and take advantage of his influence, he protects us against the tricks of the prince of darkness.
Evil retreats in the presence of Joseph, because he is pure and demons cannot bear purity since the devil is basically a being and by definition impure.
The demons are lost to Joseph because they cannot understand such purity of spirit and conduct.
How did a man spend his entire life caring for a family he was not a biological father without even having “intimate relationships” with his wife?
The scriptures define him as a just man in the eyes of the Lord and apparently for this reason he was chosen by God himself to be the husband of the Blessed Virgin.
The 7 new invocations in the Litanies to Saint Joseph by Pope Francis
Pope Francis approved include new seven invocations in the Litany of St. Joseph, according to the Vatican on May 1, 2021, feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
New invocations of the Litany of St. Joseph, proposed in Latin, are: “Custos Redemptoris” (Custodian of the Redeemer), “Serve Christi” (Servant of Christ), “Minister salutis” (Minister of salvation), “Fulcimen in difficultabus “(Support in difficulties),” Patrone Exssulum “(pattern of exiles),” patron afflictorum “(pattern of the afflicted) and” patrose pauperum “(patron of the poor). Which were already admitted or updated both on this page and in the application to be grosted completely.
Invoking “Redemptoris Custos” was mentioned by John Paul II in the Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos; The invocation “Serve Christi” was an expression of St. Paul VI in a Homily of March 1966 which is also cited in the exhortation Redemplis Custos; the invocation “Minister salutis” St. John Chrysostom is cited in Redemptoris Custos; While the invocations “Fulcimen in difficultabus”, “Patrone Exssulum”, “Patrone Afflicetorum”, “Patrone Pauperum” are mentioned on the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde.