The rosary is the quintessential prayer after mass, for its popularity and for its effectiveness.
For this reason it is also a key prayer to free souls from purgatory, especially since it is covered by partial indulgence and it is also one of the exercises blessed by plenary indulgence that can be earned on a daily basis.
For the latter, prayer is required in community, that is, two or more people or in front of the most holy sacrament if it is individually.
Also as requirements is to pray 5 mysteries in a row and for the intentions of the Holy Father that are usually prayed in the part of the beginning or the end according to the custom with the Lord’s Prayer, the three Hail Marys, the glory and the Creed.
And the confession of our sins and the Eucharistic communion are also required in addition to having no attachment to any sin including venial ones.
If what you want is to pray all the mysteries go here
Download the Releasing Souls From Purgatory application that will help you to pray this rosary along with other prayers warning you of the times and days to gain indulgences.
Prayer of the Holy Rosary
From what I have seen, there are two ways of praying the Rosary and basically one is to start with the mysteries and end with the prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father, that is, with the Our Father, the three Hail Mary, the Glory and the Creed, and the other is to start with these prayers and then move on to the mysteries, for that reason I leave you both options so that you can choose the one you use.
In both cases you have to cross yourself:
By the sign of the Holy Cross, from our enemies, deliver us, Lord our God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
and pray an act of contrition asking for forgiveness of our faults.
Now pronounce the intentions for which you are going to pray the Rosary.
If you pray the Creed at the beginning, ask for the intentions of the Holy Father if you want to win the Plenary Indulgence (remember that you must also confess and take communion)
Pray the Creed on the cross of the Rosary, then in the first large bead pray a Our Father, in the three small beads pray a Hail Mary for each and finally in the next large bead pray the Glory.
If you pray the Creed at the end start here
In the heart begin by enunciating the first painful mystery, and your meditation and then the Our Father, then for each of the 10 small beads a Hail Mary and at the end a Glory, ending with the jaculatoria:
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your mercy. Amen.
And we add a special jaculatoria for the Souls in Purgatory that changes according to the painful mystery that we are meditating on.
Then in each large Account we are meditating each of the mysteries in order and performing the same prayers changing the special jaculatoria according to the corresponding mystery.
First Sorrowful Mystery. The Agony in the Garden.
(He then left to make his way as usual to the Mount of Olives, with the disciples following. When he reached the place he said to them, ‘Pray not to be put to the temptation.’
Then he withdrew from them, about a stone’s throw away, and knelt down and prayed. ‘Father,’ he said, ‘if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.’
Then an angel appeared to him, coming from heaven to give him strength. In his anguish he prayed even more earnestly, and his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood.)
(Lk 22:39-44)
Jaculatoria: Lord Jesus Christ, through Your bloody sweat of fear that You shed on the Mount of Olives, we ask You to have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Bring to completion their purification and console them with the Cup of heavenly comfort. Amen.
Second Sorrowful Mystery. The Scourging at the Pillar.
(Pilate then had Jesus taken away and scourged.)
(Jn 19:1)
Jaculatoria: Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Scourging which You tolerated so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory! Bring them to live for ever with Christ and give them eternal relief. Amen.
Third Sorrowful Mystery. The Crowning with Thorns.
(The soldiers twisted some thorns into a crown and put it on his head and dressed him in a purple robe. They kept coming up to him and saying, ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’ and slapping him in the face.)
(Jn 19:2-3)
Jaculatoria: Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crowning which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory and give them the crown of eternal delight. Amen.
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery. The Carrying of the Cross.
(They then took charge of Jesus, and carrying his own cross he went out to the Place of the Skull or, as it is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified him.)
(Jn 19:17-18)
Jaculatoria: Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Carrying of the Cross, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You to have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory! Bring them to the everlasting peace of perfect life with the Most Holy Trinity and lead them into eternal joy. Amen.
Fifth Sorrowful Mystery. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord.
(After this, Jesus knew that everything had now been completed and, so that the scripture should be completely fulfilled, he said, ‘I am thirsty.’ A jar full of sour wine stood there; so, putting a sponge soaked in the wine on a hyssop stick, they held it up to his mouth. After Jesus had taken the wine he said, ‘It is fulfilled’; and bowing his head he gave up his spirit.)
(Jn 19:28-30)
Jaculatoria: Lord Jesus Christ, through Your painful Crucifixion, which You suffered so patiently for us sinners, we ask You have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory! Turn Your Holy Face towards them and let them be in Paradise with You today. Amen.
Final Prayers
If you did not start with the Creed, offer these prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father (if you want to win the plenary indulgence, remember to confess and take communion), pray the Our Father, the 3 Hail Mary, the Glory and the Creed.
Whether you started with the Creed at the beginning or prayed at the end, say Hail Holy Queen.
Download the Releasing Souls From Purgatory application that will help you to pray this rosary along with other prayers warning you of the times and days to gain indulgences.